Video Email Marketing: Embedding Video In Your Email

by | Apr 7, 2010 | Building Relationships, Marketing & Selling

video email
Did you know that you can embed video in your email marketing messages? If you’re using one of the many autoresponder programs available, such as Aweber, which I use, you can make it easier for your subscribers to view your videos by actually embedding them into the emails you send them.

A recent study conducted by Implix, the providers of GetResponse (an autoresponder service), found that 80% of email marketers plan to use video emails in 2010, compared to only 16% who used it in 2009.

Here are a few tips to help you do it quickly, easily and effectively:

1. Host your video on a video hosting website, such as YouTube.
Doing this will not only increase the visibility of your video, but sites like these give you embed code so you don’t have to figure it out on your own.

2. Embed video in the HTML version of your email.
You can’t embed video in a text version of your email, so you’ll have to do it in the HTML version. Be sure that you are placing the embed code in the HTML or code view of your message, otherwise your subscribers will see code instead of a video.

3. Always provide a link to the video online.
You never know if one or more of your subscribers are using an email program that can’t view video. So give them the option to click on a link and view your video online.

4. Another Option to Embedding
Sometimes, you may not want to bother with embedding the video in your email. What you can do it increase the likelihood that someone will watch it is embed an image of the video player. Then when someone clicks on it, they will be taken to the page where the video is hosted and watch it there.


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