Coffee with Carma

Espresso Epiphanies & Latte Lessons Along the Author’s Journey

Short shots of information, inspiration, and insight about writing, publishing, and marketing books, live-streamed Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on YouTube. Also live-streamed Mondays on LinkedIn, Wednesdays on X (formerly Twitter), and Fridays on Facebook.

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Looking for a deeper dive into the Author’s Journey? Check out my other podcast, The Author Switch.

Most Recent Episodes

5 Essential Tips for Effective Book Market Research

5 Essential Tips for Effective Book Market Research

July 17, 2024 | Episode 1585 Essential Tips for Effective Book Market ResearchOutsmart Your Book's Competition with These Insider TacticsNotesJoin Carma Spence on Coffee with Carma as she shares proven strategies to differentiate your book from the competition. Learn...

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