Reasons to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

by | Sep 13, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

There are perks you get from contracting out work rather than hiring in-house staff. Most virtual assistants work on a contractual basis, so you can gain these benefits by going the virtual route:

No Employee Tax
There are tax repercussions to having employees. But when you hire a virtual assistant, you don’t have to deal with these repercussions. Since they are an independent contractor, you don’t have to worry about paying for employee tax, health benefits, sick time, vacation time or retirement funds.

No Office Space Issues
Virtual assistants usually work out of their home, so you don’t need to worry about setting up office space for them.

No Set Salary
You only need to pay for the amount of time the virtual assistant works. Also, because most VAs are services more than one client, you don’t have to worry too much about them leaving you if you need to reduce hours once in awhile.


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