Online Marketing for Actors

by | May 13, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

online marketing for actors
There are two ways actors can use online marketing to further their careers:

  • To get noticed by those who will cast them, and
  • To build a fan base to make them more attractive to those who will cast them.

With each online marketing technique, you need to be clear on which of those goals it will serve. For example:

Your website
Will your website be a portfolio meant to help casting directors decide whether or not you might be right for a role?

Or, will it be a way for fans to connect with you and support your career?

Although it is possible for a single website to do both of these, it will never do either of them effectively while trying to do both at the same time.

Therefore I recommend having two websites, each with its own respective target audience in mind.

Your Blog
For an actor, blogging can be a powerful way to increase visibility, nurture a fan base and showcase your talent. Blogs are most effective when they attract a loyal readership. And the best way to do this is to entertain, inform and engage your audience. Write about things that are worth their time to read … be it on an emotional level or a professional level. Promote projects you are working one while giving “behind the scenes” information (within in reason, keep your legal responsibilities in mind). Share tips and advice that you’ve learned along your journey. Whatever you do, make your blog posts engaging to your fans.

Your Social Media Presence
Many of your fans, and even some of your colleagues, will follow you in social media. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook and even MySpace are great ways to connect with fans and get them interested and “involved” with your career. LinkedIn could be a good site to connect with others in the business, which could lead to more work for you.

Are you an actor who wants to make your online presence work for you?

I can help. I offer a variety of consulting services to help you become the master of your online footprint.


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