Online Audio and Your Business

by | Jun 25, 2010 | Creating Products

audio clips
Online audio can enhance your business, from increasing sales conversions to the number of opt-ins your squeeze page gets to improving customer service. Here are five ways you can use online audio in your business.

1. Dowloadable Audio Products
Did you record a particularly informative teleseminar? Why not turn it into an audio product available as a downloadable mp3? Add in supporting material and you can create a wonderfully robust product. And, I’ve heard that audio products sell very well.


2. Podcast and Internet Radio
Always wanted your own talk show? Now you can. Record yourself sharing information, interviewing experts, chatting with fellow business owners and you’ve got the makings of an audience building podcast or Internet radio show.


3. Welcome Messages
Add a snippet of audio to your squeeze pages, sales pages and even your home page to increase conversions. Your voice adds a personal touch and can add to the impression of personality…something that has been shown to increase opt-ins and sales.


4. Instructional Messages
On your squeeze pages, at the point where you include a call to action, you can also include a short audio message that emphasizes that call to action. This can be helpful on squeeze pages where you encourage the visitor to enter their name and email address in the form.


5. Audio Samples
If you’re selling products that include audio downloads or CDs, including short samples of the audio recordings can help people make the decision to purchase. This works well if the audios are instructional or musical.

This example is actually a video, but an audio-only sample could work as well.


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