My Moving to L.A. Bucket List

by | Jul 1, 2010 | Behind the Scenes

la bucket list
As some of you may already know, I’m moving to Los Angeles at the end of the month to start a new life and pursue my dreams. So, I thought it might be fun to mirror the lunch lists I’ve done in the past with a “Moving to L.A. Bucket List” of things I want to do and people I want to meet when I get back to the City of Angels. It is my hope that this list will inspire you to reach for you dreams, too.

And, if you can help me accomplish my bucket list … so much the better!

I’m listing these as they come to mind, so they are in no particular order.

Have lunch/dinner/afternoon tea with my virtual friends who live in the area.
I’ve been blessed to “meet” some really wonderful people who live in the Los Angeles area through Facebook, Twitter and client referrals. Since I’ve spent so much time talking with them on the phone or communicating via email and social media, I’m looking forward to meeting them in person!

flip cam
Get a flip cam and start shooting video for The Genre Traveler
One of the main reasons I chose to move to L.A. is because of the numerous science fiction, fantasy and horror conventions, locations and professionals located there. Since The Genre Traveler is the travel resource for science fiction, fantasy and horror fans, I want to include more travel information in multi-media. So, with a flip-cam in hand, I want to create videos of me at genre locations, genre events and interviewing genre professionals to fill up The Genre Traveler’s YouTube channel!

online presence
Help entertainment professionals (a.k.a. actors, comedians, singers, dancers, musicians and more) leverage their online presence
I love helping creative professionals cultivate their online presence so that it supports their career and business goals. So far, I’ve worked with artists, crafters and writers. But I’d like to expand into entertainment, as well. I’ve been blessed to be a part of the team behind Cindy Ashton’s Red Carpet Dreaming tour (I created the website), and would like to take the things I’m learning from this experience and help other entertainment professionals. So I’ve developed a special coaching program just for them.

old friends
Catch up with “old” friends
I have several friends that live in the Los Angeles area that I’d like to catch up with again. Some I haven’t seen in years. And some, I knew from other locations but who have since moved to the area. You know who you are … so be warned. We can reminisce about old times and create some new memories, too! Life is grand when you have friends to share it with.

new friends
Make new friends
I know I’m an introvert, and therefore tend to keep to myself. But I do enjoy going out and making new friends, as well. Besides, if I don’t make new friends, my dinner parties will be so small. And, I need people to test my recipes on, too. Toward this end, I’m going to join a few networking groups, spread my wings and fly!

susumo ohno
Write more profiles of interesting people
I’ve been fortunate to write short profiles of some very interesting people, including a theoretical biologist, a Special Olympics athlete and a world-renowned fantasy/science fiction artist. I’d like to get back to writing more of these, and expand into longer form. (I’ve been bitten by the book bug now that I have three under my belt and three more on the way!) I’ve already contacted one subject and look forward to bringing his interesting and inspiring story to print.

Get back to writing fiction again
I have so many stories and characters in my head badgering me to tell their tales. Now that I’ll be free to pursue my interests without a guilt trip laid on me, I’m going to get back to work on those stories … and get them published. Are you happy now Lord Vayne, Nairobi Meyers and Clarissa & Zorin? Oh, and if you’d like to keep up with this endeavor, check out my fiction writing website … I’ll be redesigning it soon.

Get out and see some shows!
Before I got married, I had a Saturday ritual where I would go to the Starbucks down the road, have a scone and hot chocolate for breakfast, do some writing and then take in a matinee movie at the theatre across the street. I plan on re-instating that habit. Also, the last time I lived in SoCal, I was invited several times to go see Jeff Goldblum play music … I couldn’t get my husband to give me a ride. Well, if it happens again … this time I’m going. I love Goldblum!


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