Easy Audio Recording Options

by | Jun 30, 2010 | Creating Products

recording audio
Recording decent audio for downloadable products has become very easy these days. There are numerous free and paid conference calling services, as well as voice over Internet services that can record telephone calls and provide you with an audio file you can edit and provide your customers.

I thought I’d end this month’s audio-themed posts with a list of audio recording services that I’ve experienced as either a user or a listener.

This is a free service that used to be called The Basement Ventures. I like this service because you only need to have one person on the line (yourself) in order to record a call. This is great if you’re recording podcasts and don’t need an audience.

This services lets you download an mp3 version of your recording, as well well as share the recording with others via embedding or podcasting.

I used to use this free service, but it does require there to be at least one person in the audience in order to record a call. Most of the calls I record … I don’t have an audience (on purpose!).

That said, it does give you the option of downloading a .wav or .mp3 recording of the call. WAV files are of higher quality, so this could be important to you.

Instant Teleseminar
This is a paid service that comes with a lot of nice bells and whistles, including the ability to let your audience listen over the web rather than call in. You can also use this service to conduct webinars with visuals.

This is a new paid service on the scene … and it has some really cool features, including the ability to facilitate break out groups within a call. This is great if you have a lot of people on the line and want them to interact with each other in smaller groups.

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