Mastermind your way to success

by | Mar 21, 2013 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset

In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill gave this definition of a mastermind group:

“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

During the Rockstar Entrepreneur Conference this past weekend, Craig Duswalt facilitated a panel of his mastermind members, who spoke about how being in a mastermind (Craig’s or any other) had helped transform their lives and businesses.

Craig Duswalt's Mastermind Panel

From left to right: Larry Broughton, Marcus Slayton, Walt Grassl, Adam Ace, Rhonda Schuster Vigeant, Maryann Ehmann, Gina St George, Andy Sokol

Everyone pretty much had the same basic experience: being in a mastermind did more for them than they went into it expecting.

I, too have had this experience. I’ve belonged to mastermind groups that met over the phone and in person. Both had benefits to offer. In fact, I am currently participating in an in-person mastermind that meets on Saturday afternoon. It is a place where I can be with other women who are walking a similar path to mine, brainstorm new ideas and get support and feedback when I need it.

If you don’t belong to a mastermind group, I recommend you find one soon. In the coming months, I’ll probably be pulling together a mastermind group. If you’d be interested in learning more about it, please drop me a note.

For more information on mastermind groups:


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