Is Your Website Doing Its Job?

by | Jun 7, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

Is your website in alignment with your goals for your business? When was the last time you gave it a little freshening up?

If it’s been more than 3 years since your last website makeover, you should seriously consider revamping your website. Below are some things you should take a look at

Is Your Website Doing Its Job?

What is the purpose of your website?

Is it currently serving that purpose? There are lots of reasons to have a website, in fact, many business owners have different websites to serve these different purposes. So, why do you have a website? Once you know that answer, make sure your website serves that why.

Is your website easy to navigate?

If your website has a single call to action – as a sales letter would – is that call to action clear? If your website has several sections for visitors to navigate, is it clear what those sections are and how to get there?

Does your website support your sales process?

You do know your sales process, right? Does your website support it, helping visitors move down the path you have created for them? When someone buys or opts into your list, you need to have EVERY page laid out for them, so that it is simple and easy to follow.

Are you tracking your web statistics?

There are so many free ways to do this, you really have no excuse for not knowing how visitors are browsing around your site. Besides, without knowing “the numbers” you’ll never know if your website is doing its job!

So, how did you do? Taking a look at these four questions every once in awhile – perhaps annually? – is a great thing to do for your business and online presence.

Would you like to learn more about how to create an effective online presence? Pick up a copy of Carma’s book, Home Sweet Home Page: How to Fix the 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers, and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page


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