5 Ways to Use Teleseminars for Your Business

by | Jun 9, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

5 ways to use teleseminars
Teleseminars are versatile tools you can use for your business. In this post I’m going to share five ways you can use teleseminars to promote and grow your business.

1. Promote your products, services and events.
Take a piece of the content from your product, service or event and create a “pre-call” teleseminar. This type of call provides valuable information while promoting something else. Think of it as an infomercial for your product, service or event.

2. Create products.
If you hold an information-packed teleseminar that does not promote something else, you can not only sell attendance to the call, but you can package it later and sell it as a downloadable or even physical product. It can be put on CD or even transcribed and turned into a book.

3. Facilitate virtual group coaching.
Teleseminars are great ways to provide group coaching that is accessible to more people. Your client gain the benefits of a group coaching program from the comfort of their homes and you don’t have to spend the time and money traveling.

4. Grow your list.
You can use teleseminars hosted by joint venture partners to grow your list. You provide valuable information to your partner’s list, you get additional opt-ins to your list.

Another way to use teleseminars to grow your list is to hold regular ones that people can invite other to. Kind of like a low-frequency podcast, this technique has been use by some to grow their following and their list quite successfully.

5. Content for a continuity program or membership site.
Providing question and answer, expert interview and other content-rich teleseminars on a monthly basis can be a valuable and time-efficient way to provide content for a continuity program or membership site.

Do you struggle to move forward in your business because of niggling little questions that you just can’t find the answers for? Do you wish you could hire a coach to help you through specific challenges without the commitment to a long-term program? Do you need help developing a strategic plan you can actually implement? I offer a la carte sessions, as well as flexible and structured coaching packages.


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