Day 28 of Celebrate You!

by | Aug 28, 2014 | 2014 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

“Celebrate love.
It is the breath of your existence
and the best of all reasons for living.”
~ Unknown

Yesterday, Day 27 of the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge, I celebrated my birthday some more.

I went through over 100 birthday greetings sent via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and regular old email. Most were from people I knew via networking events or interviewing them for a podcast. It was so nice to see all their familiar faces popping up in my inbox!

I also received some good advice during a coaching session (yes, I get coached, too!) and did a little more birthday shopping. What I wanted — leopard print cotton sheets to match the bedroom set I purchased a few month back — were out of stock, so I’ll have to go back. But, at least I know they’ve been ordered. I’ve had my eye on them for a while!

It was a day of catching up and relaxing. A good way to spend the day.

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Please share in a comment below and/or in the Facebook group.

Join the Facebook group and share your celebrations, as well! And, of course, feel free to comment on this post and share your celebrations using the comment box below.


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