How worth grows

by | Aug 28, 2014 | Mindset, Video

How worth grows

Photo: © Yali Shi /; Design: Carma Spence

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Duration: 3:41

This is the sixth installment of my journey through Soul Dancer’s free Pay Me What I’m Worth course sampler. If you missed any shows, its all good! Click here to access the entire series.

Video Response

NOTE: The video content is separate and different from the audio/text content.

Chapter Five: How Worth Grows

At this point in the Pay Me What I’m Worth journey, we’ve explored the concept of worth, how material possessions affect our perception of worth, how our skills affect our value, how to get out of the comparison trap, and a technique for uncovering the golden insights found within the themes and trends of our lives.

In this chapter we pull all the work we’ve done in the previous four chapters together and start gaining an understanding of how all this work will help us grow our worth.

The first exercise in this chapter takes a look at clutter. I know from my work with money and mindset, that clutter can block the flow of money. So, it stands to reason that it would block value and worth, as well.

Soul’s exercise has us sorting through the treasures unearthed in Chapter One and evaluating whether they still serve us or not. This exercise is akin to spring cleaning, a process I engage in several times a year where I clear out my closet, my shelves, or other areas of my home and release things I no longer want or need.

Soul mentions a need for setting a personal policy for your sorting activity. My criteria for this exercise revolves around feeling, probably because I’m a kinesthetic learner/communicator. If the item I’m evaluating makes me feel good, I keep it. If bad, I sell it, let it go, or throw it away. If neutral, I’ll only keep it if it serves a purpose — kind of like much of my kitchen ware — no emotion attached, but I need spoons and plates!

Soul touches on the concept of integrity several times in this chapter without explicitly naming it.

When you are kind to others but not yourself, you are out of integrity. When you set a personal policy for your sorting exercise, obey your own rules to stay in integrity.

The second exercise is about networking — but in a way most people don’t think of. It is networking with the intent to know others better and, perhaps, learn from them.

The third exercise brings you back to the Worth Timeline created in Chapter 4. Take a look at it to find times of growth in your life and then uncover the cause, triggers or contributing factors of that growth. This empowers you to use those factors again to grow now and whenever you want to.

Finally, he goes into what he calls S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals. Create them using the learnings from these five chapters to grow your worth moving forward.

I recommend you watch the video that goes with this post … I mention more insights — and you might enjoy watching the lovely backdrop that Catalina Island provided me!

Coming up in future installments of this journey:

Explore Your Worth and Become the Master of Your Life

I’m now accepting applications for the next Pay Me What I’m Worth group, which is 12 payments of $149, paid monthly. Learn more and register today at! Together with author of Pay Me What I’m Worth Soul Dancer, we’ll take a 12-month dive into owning your worth and increasing your confidence.

Remember, not everyone will be accepted into the course. You must schedule an exploratory session with me first to determine if you are a good fit for this group at this time.

Are you are wondering what this 12-month class can do for you? Listen to what previous students have had to say about Soul’s Pay Me What I’m Worth Master Class.

Anna Banguilan on Performance-Based Contracts (1:50):

Elaine O’Malley on increased confidence in her business (0:43):

Stuart Young on uncovering more confidence than he thought possible (1:59):


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