Day 11: Taking it easy

by | Aug 12, 2013 | 2013 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

I have no desire to go homicidally mad and begin a killing spree like Jack did in The Shining, so the way I celebrated me yesterday was by taking some time off.

I slept in … no alarm!
I spent some time cuddling with my boyfriend.
I cleared some shows from the TiVo (mostly Primeval: New World).

I relaxed and did things I wanted to do … not that I had to do.

Sometimes, celebrating you means giving yourself much needed “me time.”

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Did you make it a lazy Sunday? Do you allow yourself sufficient “me time” during the week? Workaholics eventually burn out … sometimes spectacularly. You don’t want to be that person.

Please share your sage insights and pearls of wisdom in a comment below.


  1. Saba

    Hi Carma,

    I am really enjoying following you for these 31 days. Your ways of celebrating are fun and thoughtful. When is the actual day?

    • Carma Spence

      My birthday is Monday, Aug. 26. I’m going to be spending the entire day on Catalina Island, like I did last year. I’m sooooo looking forward to it!


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