Why is online branding important?

by | Aug 12, 2013 | Video


If you have a offline business that is doing well, is online branding still important?


I explain some reasons why in this video excerpted from the live book launch I held in July.

To recap, 78% of consumers will not do business with a company that does not have an online presence. Therefore, without a website, you are losing out on income that could be generated by working with that 78%!

If you would like me to do a presentation about online branding for your group, either in person (in Los Angeles or Orange counties), or virtually through a teleseminar or webinar, contact Paul Robinson at paulr[@]dragonwyze.com to set things up.

From now through December 31, 2013, I will be donating $2 of every book purchased and registered at www.CarmaSpence.com/57secrets to the Unstoppable Foundation. My goal is to raise $8,500 to build a schoolhouse in Kenya, where I grew up and my little sister was born.

If you would like to help me with this campaign, you can take any or all of the following actions:

  • Buy a book and register your purchase here.
  • Contribute directly to my Unstoppable Foundation campaign.
  • Help me buy books for all my live appearances.
  • Host me on your blog, podcast, webinar, Internet radio show or teleseminar. Contact Paul Robinson at paulr[@]dragonwyze.com to set this up.
  • Spread the word about any or all of the above.

Upcoming stops on my tour:

Want to be a part of the tour? Contact Paul Robinson at paulr[@]dragonwyze.com to set things up.


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