Creating Information Products: Audio Products

by | Apr 23, 2010 | Creating Products

creating audio products
There are three types of learners: Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic. The audio product is perfect for all the audio learners in your target market. These products include:

  • Teleseminars and other programs delivered over the phone
  • Downloadable mp3s
  • CDs

What kinds of products can you deliver via sound alone?

  • Guided meditations
  • Lectures
  • Language training

So, how do you produce audio products? The easiest way is to use a free conference calling system (I use because only one person needs to be on the line to record, others require two). Then all you need to do is pick up the phone, dial in and start recording.

Do you hold teleclasses?
Record them and turn them into products!

Do you speak at seminars, workshops and other in-person events?
If you’re hooked up to a microphone, see if you can record what the mic picks up. You can then edit that recording and turn it into a product. Downloadable products are becoming more accepted and popular, so always offer a downloadable version of your audio product. But, if you want to create a physical version, that’s pretty simple, too. You just need to sign up with one of the many print on demand services available, such as, or Vervante.

When it gets right down to it, the hardest part of creating an audio product is deciding on and developing the content. Once that’s done you have a world of options to bring your audio product to market.


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