Types of Online Video for Marketing: The Review

by | Apr 26, 2010 | Creating Products

types of video - review
There is a popular type of video in the electronics industry which involved video taping someone unpacking a new product. The video review is a cousin to this type of video.

Basically, you “unpack” the pros and cons of some product or service and record the process on video.

This is particularly useful if the product or service you are reviewing has visual elements, such as

  • Software … you can show it in action
  • Equipment … you can show yourself using it
  • Interactive services … you can show yourself taking part in the activities

Movie reviews can fall into this type of video, for you can show clips from the film. Therefore, you could easily review a DVD training program in a similar manner.

The keys to a good review are the same whether you record it in text, audio or video:

  • Mention both the good and the bad, as some people might not agree with you on the assessment of good and bad qualities.
  • Create a sandwich effect by surrounding what you didn’t like about the product with what you did. If there isn’t enough, at least end on a positive note.
  • Be honest and fair. Mention if you have a connection to the product or service. Mention why you don’t or do like something about it. Let people know you perspective so they can make their own judgment.


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