Creating Audio Products for Your Business

by | Jun 11, 2010 | Creating Products

creating audio products
Creating a downloadable audio product you can sell on your website is pretty easy. And now with several print-on-demand services available, transforming this audio recording into physical product is pretty easy, too. Here are the steps you’ll need to take to create one for your business.

1. Record your audio.
I’m going to assume at this point that you have planned out the content so that it is valuable and worthy of spending money on. So now all you need to do is record the content. The easiest way is to use one of the conference call services available that record the calls. I use because it allows me to record calls when I’m the only person on the line. Most services require at least one other person to be on the line before recording can take place.

2. Edit and fine-tune the recording.
Take some time to improve the quality of the recording by editing out clicks, ums, ahs, dings and other distracting noises. At this point, you can also add in intro and extro music, possibly even transitional music, to add a professional touch.

3. Create your packaging.
You’ll need this whether your product will be made available through download only or as a physical product. Packaging, whether virtual or real, helps create the perceived value of the product.

4. Create your sales process.
This is really a mutli-step process … at the very least, you’ll need a sales page and digital delivery system to protect your product from pirates. For more complex sales processes, you might have an up-sell, a down-sell and even an autoresponder sequence that encourages further sales down the line. If you are going to offer this as a physical product, you’ll need to make sure that your fulfillment house is automatically notified when someone orders the product.

5. Market your product.
“If you build it, they will come” does NOT work for information product sales. You’ll need to let people know you have a product available and convince them that it is some they want.

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