Creating an Action Plan

by | Oct 25, 2010 | Planning Your Business, Taking Action

If you’ve been following along all month, and creating the various components of your business and marketing plan, you should be ready to start laying out your plan of action.

Creating an Action Plan

There are many ways to do this, but for inclusion in your plan, I suggest this 2-step process:

Step 1: What are your large objectives?
What big things do you want to accomplish in the New Year? Focus on three to five. More than that and you’ll probably be overwhelmed. Also, be sure that you know your reason for having that objective. If the reason is compelling enough for you, it will help see you through the challenges you might face along the way.

Step 2: Break down your goals into manageable steps.
Take your end goal and ask yourself, what needs to happen before that can happen? Keep doing that until you have a list of tasks that need to be completed to reach your goal.

Now assign each task a start date and a due date. I usually do this in Excel to make re-sorting easier when I make course adjustments.

It’s that simple. Now go create your action plan for the New Year!


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