Change Is Coming … Thanks to You

by | Aug 1, 2010 | Building Relationships

change is coming
In June and July, I did a survey of my The H.E.A.R.T. of Business newsletter readership and learned some very interesting things.

For one, it really emphasized the old adage that you can’t please all the the people all of the time. Some sections of the newsletter made it to both the most favorite and least favorite list!

And, although it started out looking like people wanted to receive one big newsletter once a month, eventually it evened out into a three-way near tie between once, twice and four times a month!

Anyway, the real meat of the matter that applies to this blog is the content that most people on my list want to read about:

Which topics do you prefer to read about in The H.E.A.R.T. of Business? Data as of 7.11.2010
Topic % Selected
Article marketing 76.92%
Business/entrepreneur mindset 76.92%
Website/squeeze page design 69.23%
Relationship/Email marketing 61.54%
Blogging 53.85%
Online/web presence 53.85%
Online marketing for local business 38.46%
Online audio 30.77%
Online video 23.08%

Lucky for me, I’ve pretty much said all I have to say about online audio and video, so probably won’t be touching on those topics again soon. But what really warmed the cockles of my heart (whatever those are), was that my favorite topics ranked so high!

So, as soon as the dust settles from my move to Los Angeles this weekend, I’ll be re-focusing the editorial calendar of this blog so that it reflects what you really want to hear about from me.


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