Celebrate You! 2015 Day 7 Report

by | Aug 8, 2015 | 2015 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Disco Kim Jong-Il
Yesterday started off interesting. I had this weird dream where Kim Jong-il was starting a new dance career here in the States by staring in his own Dancing with the Stars type show. I was in the crew working on the show. He was wearing a de-dazzled, rust-colored, polyester pantsuit strait out of the 1970s and kept striking the classic John Travolta Saturday Night Fever pose.

I have no idea where that came from, but there it is.

But the real celebration of the day was my weekly weigh-in on the Wii Fit. I let go of 3.5 pounds over the past week! Yahoo!

That’s a big deal because over the last four months, I’d put on about 20 pounds and have really been unhappy, not to mention physically uncomfortable, about it.

But, you might be saying, “Yes, that’s a celebration. However, how does that celebrate you?”

May answer? “Because I said so.”

But more seriously, it celebrates the accomplishment of a goal. It celebrates my tenacious efforts to manage my weight despite all the obstacles in my way. And, probably most importantly, it celebrates the fact that I don’t just give up on myself. Sometimes, I’m just like Timex … I take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Now Its Your Turn
How did you celebrate you yesterday? Did you do something fun? Did something special happen that made you go, “Wow”? Please share your celebrations in the Facebook group and/or in comment below. You are worth celebrating!


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