Carma’s Kismet

by | Aug 10, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

I just started reading Michael Port’s Book Yourself Solid this weekend. Now, I purchased the book back in May and its been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. What struck me, however was something he wrote in the beginning of the book:

“To be booked solid requires that you have a solid foundation. That formula begins like this:

  • Choose your ideal clients so you work only with people who inspire and energize you.
  • Understand why people buy what you are selling.
  • Develop a personal brand so you’re memorable and unique.
  • Talk about what you do without sounding confusing or bland.

Does this sound familiar? It should. For the Marketing Strategies for Promoting YOU! (MSPY) program follows this process in so many ways.

Of course, MSPY starts a little earlier — discovering what drives you — because I think it would difficult to identify ideal clients if you don’t know who you are and what you want. So, the first week of MSPY covered basically that first point.

This coming week covers the second. The next two series in the Fall and Spring will cover the final two points.

O.K. What am I getting to here? Just that when an idea has reached it’s time to be birthed into the world, it will find a way to be birthed in as many ways as possible. I think that concept of basing your business on what drives you and makes you happy, energized and inspired, has reached critical mass and you’re going to be seeing this idea talked about in many different ways from many different sources more and more often. Take heed … for this is the way of business’ future. You need to pay attention to this trend and ride its wave. It’s Kismet, baby!


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