Article Marketing and Audio Articles

by | Aug 9, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

audio articles
Earlier, I talked about turning your articles into videos. Since you’re doing that, you might as well also use the audio alone, as well. There are going to be people who would rather listen to your articles than watch or read them. And, there are now lots of options to publish your audio files so that a larger audience can hear them.

Associated Content
(Now Yahoo! Contributor Network)
Associated Content is a site where you can post a wide variety of content, including audio content*. And, you can get paid (a pittance, yes, but something none the less) for the traffic your content generates. Much of the content I post to this website is audio and I’ve noticed an increase in my earnings since I started doing that.

* NOTE: Yahoo! Contributor Network no longer accepts audio content, and as of 2014, they’ve stopped accepting content all together.

Syndicate through iTunes
If you are going to regularly post audio content to your blog, especially if it is a WordPress blog, you can easily syndicate your audio content through iTunes as a podcast. There are plenty of plugins that will help you do this. I like the Blubrry WordPress plugin myself.

You can post your audio files to your Facebook profile or page (or both) and share the content with your friends.

You can share your audio files using a Twitter client for audio such as and

Audio Sharing Websites
Websites that let you share audio files are popping up, too. When I did a quick search, If found Soundboard and AudioFarm.

When you multipurpose your articles, posting them in more places in several media you increase the potential audience for your content, and the traffic your website can get.

Would you like some help with your article marketing? An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! Put Carma Spence’s 20+ years writing experience to work for you! She’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit


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