Podcasting and Article Marketing

by | Aug 11, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

article podcasting
Earlier this week, I made a brief mention of using your articles to create a podcast. In this post, I’m going to expand upon that brief mention.

This idea will only work well if you are writing at least one article a week, which if you’re blogging you should be doing much more than that. So, assuming you’re writing one or more articles a week, this is how an article-based podcast could be produced.

Step One: Select an article
Every week, choose your best article to record. It can be an ever-green article, a response to reader questions or one that is based on key word research.

Step Two: Record yourself reading the article
If you have recording software on your computer, go ahead and use that. If not, use a conference calling services such as FreeConferenceCalling.com to record yourself reading your article over the phone.

Step Three: Post the audio to your blog.
Create an audio post on your blog. Include “Podcast” in the title and mark it with the “podcast” tag and category.

Step Four: Syndicate the podcast through iTunes
Using a plugin or service, make sure that your weekly podcast post are syndicated on iTunes to reach a larger audience.

Advanced Tactics

  • To make your podcast sound more professional, you can add intro and extro music.
  • To increase the chances of people finding your podcast, post a link to it on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites.
  • Invite others to listen to you record your article over a conference line and answer their questions afterward.
  • Once you’ve posted the audio version of the article, post a comment on the original text version pointing to the audio version.


Would you like some help with your article marketing? An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! Put Carma Spence’s 20+ years writing experience to work for you! She’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit www.dragonwyze.com/ammarathon.


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