The CAP Podcast, Episode 3: Publicity Tips for Authors with Jill Lublin

by | Mar 6, 2014 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio, Marketing & Selling


Public relations is one of the most powerful marketing strategies you can use in your business, in part because it is free, but more importantly, because it gives you third-party endorsement from the media, such as magazines, newspapers, and radio shows. My guest on this episode is Jill Lublin, an international speaker on the topics of influence marketing, publicity, and networking. She is the author of three best-selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity (Adams Media).

When you are both consistent and persistent with your visibility in the media, social media and beyond, says Jill, “you become a trusted source, you become the top name in your industry, and publicity is one of the best strategies to drive prospects to your door.” Publicity gives you name familiarity and recognition, which translates into more clients and greater stability and income in your business.

Golden Nuggets from Jill’s Episode

  • Template for a “hook”:
    The problem today is … state a bigger problem that would be of interest to a broader group of listeners, possibly a startling statistic, and is tied into something that is trendy or currently going on in the news. Then link this problem to three tips/solutions/pieces of advice you have to remedy the situation.
  • Your “oooo ahhh” factor can be tied into your personal story or a theme from the month.
  • You need to plan your publicity hooks 3, 6 and 9 months ahead because of the lead times various media outlets have
  • You are an expert with a message and that message solves problems

You can download the free gift mentioned in this podcast at

For more information about the Crash Course in Publicity, go to


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