Do you have the courage?

by | Mar 5, 2014 | Power Thoughts

In honor of Women’s History Month, all the Power Thoughts in March will be from women authors.

Erica Jong
“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.”
~ Erica Jong

What this quote means to entrepreneurial authors:
Whether you’ve become an author because of your writing talent, or you’ve become an author by hiring a writer to translate your other type of talent into the written form, you have talent. You cannot be an entrepreneurial author without talent.

But the question is: Do you honor that talent? Do you give it opportunities to shine? Do you allow it to take you where you were born to go?

Following your talent to wherever it leads takes courage. For talent will often leads you down trails less followed, and sometimes into places no one has tread before. Talent will often make you a trailblazer … and being a trailblazer is not for the faint of heart.

Successful entrepreneurial authors are courageous. They stand in their power and speak (write) their mind. They are willing to bring forth their message, whether it is popular or not, because they honor their natural born talent.

Now it’s your turn:
What is your talent? How can you give it a spotlight, let it shine and empower it to be what it was meant to be? What advice do you have for young, up-and-coming entrepreneurial authors? Please share your ideas, comments and sage advice in a comment below.


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