Inspire your tribe

by | Mar 7, 2014 | Marketing & Selling

In a post on LinkedIn last month, Deepak Chopra listed the behaviors of followers that indicate a leader coming from positive emotions:

  • They want to be in the leader’s presence and have contact.
  • They want to be of service.
  • They want to perform at their best, which brings them closer to the leader.
  • They want to share in the leader’s vision.
  • They want to participate in the leader’s success.

Do the members of your tribe exhibit those behaviors? If not, what can you do to inspire this sort of following? If so, how can you support their needs? Entrepreneurial authors have a unique opportunity to build a tribe of loyal readers and clients. Here are some suggestions of how you can inspire and support the behaviors in the list Chopra shared.

Inspire your tribe

Create strategic touchpoints as part of your business model

If your tribe wants to spend time with you, give them opportunities … and be strategic about them. For example:

  • Create virtual events that you offer for free. This gives newer and prospective members of your tribe the opportunity to get a taste of what having contact with you might be like.

  • Hold live events. These can be lower cost 1-2 hour seminars to full-blown multi-day retreats and workshops. These type of events give members of your tribe a higher-quality opportunity to be in your presence.

  • Create high-ticket coaching and mastermind programs that give your followers one-on-one time. Give your tribe the option to have you all to themselves … at a price. This way you only have to work privately with the truly motivated members of your tribe.

  • Provide opportunities for people to give of their time to help your business. I know this may sound strange, but if someone from your tribe wants to be of service to you, let them! Give them a meaningful way to contribute. This can be anything from volunteering at one of your live events to becoming a member of your staff.

Reward achievers

When people follow your advice and succeed, reward them. You can feature them in a testimonial on your website. You can give them a certificate of achievement. You can give them bonus gifts. Be creative. Sometimes something as simple as a handwritten card sent to them in the mail can be all the reward they need.

Communicate your vision clearly

Your tribe can’t share in your vision if they don’t know what that vision is, so communicate it clearly and often. Infuse it in your tagline. Make it part of the catchphrase you close your videos, webinars, and coaching calls with. Integrate your vision into every piece of marketing you create.

Share your successes and make it easy for your tribe to participate

Readers love to feel like they know their favorite authors. Therefore, you can build rapport and your tribe by sharing your successes in your blog and on social media. Also, ask for help from your tribe when appropriate.

For example, if you’re trying to decide which title or cover to use for your next book, poll your followers! In fact, sharing short surveys and polls in social media is a good way to create engagement … as well as get feedback.


Top Photograph © Paul Moore/


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