The CAP Podcast, Episode 24: What is Money Empowerment?

by | Jan 15, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio

The CAP Podcast, Episode 24: What is Money Empowerment?


If we were in a café together, and I were to ask you “How is business going?” What would be your immediate visceral response? Would your gut churn … even a little bit?

Funny thing is, even very successful women entrepreneurs can be uncomfortable discussing money. These types of conversations bring up feelings of fear, shame and guilt causing us to act in non-empowering ways: defensive, self-righteous and even helpless.

These behaviors are not in alignment with our highest self and they can block our true abundance. Believe me, I know. There are certain people in my life that no matter how much I’ve grown and changed, I find myself reverting back to old behaviors when I’m with them. This is natural … and can only be addressed when you become aware of these behaviors.

But why does this happen? In this episode of The C.A.P. Podcast, I share what money empowerment means, a quick quiz to see where you are now in terms of your relationship with money, and 3-step process to clear erroneous beliefs that may be blocking your true abundance.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

In addition, you might also find this article I found while researching this episode of interest.


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