Authorpreneur’s Guide to Social Video Marketing

by | Sep 7, 2020 | Marketing & Selling

By Denise McCleod

For authorpreneurs, constant innovation in such a cutthroat environment is crucial to remain competitive. It’s for this reason that you need to build your brand, which entails plenty of work such as audience research and some aggressive marketing. Social video marketing is one way to stay ahead.

A good strategy you can use in this regard is social video marketing, where you create video content and upload them to your social media platforms. It differs from video advertising in that its focus isn’t solely on stimulating product interest and generating sales; instead, it looks to engage with your audience in a way that can establish not only rapport but also trust.

After all, people value visuals, with global forecasts estimating how the average person will be watching approximately 100 minutes of online videos every day by 2021. This is why 92% of marketers consider video a vital part of marketing strategies, as more than 75 million Americans who watch online videos a day are a goldmine for potential clients. There’s just one problem: Social video marketing can prove challenging, if not downright daunting (especially if you aren’t tech-savvy). But just like writing, it’s something you can learn.

The guide below will help as a primer:

Social Video Marketing Equipment Necessities

Unless you hire a professional videographer, you’ll need to shoot your videos on your own. High-end smartphones will suffice for the most part. However, film producers from Carfection argue that there are still no substitutes for dedicated video cameras. That’s because they have bigger, more stable image sensors for better depth of field, which is vital to ensure sharp videos regardless of the shooting distance. Not to mention, good quality videos mean more potential for immersive visuals and the stories you want to tell.

That said, it’s a good thing that there is lots of video equipment on the market that can capture excellent quality videos while staying user-friendly and affordable. On that note, prioritize buying a professional camcorder, as it gives you the full package: big image sensor, fixed or zoom lenses, built-in microphones, and plug-ins. These features give you more creative control over your videos, which you can enhance further by using accessories like tripods, handheld stabilizers, and lighting kits. While these accessories are helpful, you don’t need to buy them all at once; instead, you can invest in them later on when your business starts booming.

Social Video Marketing Content Ideas

Below are three video content ideas to get you started with social video marketing:

Show, Not Tell, Your Story

Videos that tell a story are king when it comes to social video marketing, as they tend to connect better with viewers. Ash Read, the author of Buffer Marketing Library, explains, “The better you tell stories… the more likely your viewers are going to understand what your company is offering and what it can do for them.” In other words, your audience won’t be interested in commercials about your written work; what they want, instead, are stories that offer insight into your day-to-day life as an author, an inside scoop on your writing process, and even a detailed look into the challenges that you need to overcome as an authorpreneur. This way, you give your audience a holistic view of who you are, what you do, and what your business represents.

Always Be Your Best Self when Social Video Marketing

It’s crucial to always be at your best on social media — lest you get bombarded with negative remarks that stem from a single mistake. There are two takeaways here: First, focus on creating content that won’t invite controversy or a backlash. Second, double- and even triple-check every video to make sure nothing unflattering or scandalous makes its way on social media. Remember that even a single provocative quip can tarnish your name and your brand! So, always err on the side of caution.

Mind the Minutes

As tempting as it is to make long videos, short but sweet ones are still your best bet when it comes to social video marketing. The reason is simple: People scrolling through social media are more likely to stop and watch a 1- to 2-minute video as opposed to a 45-minute one (either because they’re too busy or they don’t have the attention span for it). Hence, aim to make short but informative videos lasting no more than 5 minutes. If a longer post is warranted, aim for 10-15 minutes, as anything longer might not hold your viewers’ fleeting attention span.

Indeed, social video marketing requires considerable investment in terms of both money and effort. But if you want sales to surge, then we suggest you start investing now. Look to take up a social media course, too, so you can develop a full-on social media strategy in conjunction with your social video marketing. This way, you will strengthen your online presence, and grow your brand to potentially unprecedented heights.

About the Author

Denise McCleod is a social media consultant and entrepreneur. She regularly contributes to online publications, guiding small businesses on how they can leverage social media.


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