Product Review: The Thought Catapulter

by | Sep 4, 2020 | Mindset

There are plenty of creative ways to enhance your affirmation practice. You can post them on sticky notes around your house. You can make them visual with a vision board. Or you can enhance them with magnetism using the Thought Catapulter.

The Thought Catpulter is a relatively new product on the market that I was given a sample to try it and share my experience. Here is what I learned.

What Do You Get with the Thought Catapulter?

The Thought Catapulter comes with a small satin pouch, a powerful magnet, a sheet of abundance affirmations, and a blank sheet for your own affirmations. It also includes elastic so you can attach the pouch to your body if you don’t have pockets and instructions.

The idea is that you are wrapping your affirmations with a magnetic field, facilitating the merging of your affirmations with your physical and etheric fields. This, in turn, assists your subconscious mind in receiving your affirmations.

It is recommended that you follow the basic process described in the instructions for at least 30 days. So that’s What I did.

My 2-Step Process of Using the Thought Catapulter

  1. I used the basic sent of abundance cards that came with the product. You can find them listed on their website.
  2. Every morning for 30 days I read each card before placing it into the pouch. Then I put it in my pocket, or if I didn’t have a pocket that day, I used the elastic to attach it to my ankle.

What I Experienced

At first, I felt silly saying these statements. Some of them I felt were true. Others I experienced resistance too. I felt that I was lying every time I said them.

However, as the month progressed, my resistance to several of them eased away into acceptance.

Some affirmations that were objectively not true when I started are now true. Others, I can feel are on the way to becoming true. In fact, during my 30 days, I was presented with an opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do for over a decade, but could never figure out how to make it work. It was uncanny how in alignment the opportunity was with where I was thinking of taking my business, while integrating this project I’ve wanted to do for years, as well. It even used some of the words I’ve been using to describe myself and my business. It is too early to tell if it will bring abundance, but sure has potential!

How Affirmations Work

Affirmations work by programming your mind to expect success. An affirmation is a statement of your goal — what you want — set in the present as if it has already occurred. For example, “I am super successful financially,” which is one of the supplied affirmations.

The Goal:

    • Being super successful financially

Stated in the Present:

    I am …

This is one of the affirmations I feel resistance to. Am I “super successful financially” right now at the moment? Not by a long shot. But, after saying it 30 days in a row, I’m much more open to that possibility.

That said, because I still feel resistant after 30 days, I would be inclined to use a tactic I learned from Marilyn Jenett of Feel Free to Prosper. Sometimes an affirmation asks your mind to take too large a leap for it to accept. So you need to amend it to something your mind can accept. For example, I would use this edited version, moving forward, instead: “I am open and willing to be super successful financially.”

Does using a magnet with your affirmations really work?

I can’t say for sure, but what I can say is that I’ve worked with affirmations before and not had the same progress. Perhaps there is something to using magnetism with your affirmations!

What I like about the Thought Catapulter

Because this device encourages you to interact directly with your affirmations every day, I think it makes them much more powerful. It gets easy to ignore the sticky notes and vision board after a while. However, reading them every day as part of your dressing routine overcomes that challenge.

What I found inconvenient about the Thought Catapulter

That magnet is powerful! How do I know? It stuck to the washing machine when I did the laundry. It stuck to the car when I leaned against it. It stuck to jewelry on my nightstand. A minor irritant, I know, but something you should be aware of. Don’t let this get near data that can be magnetically erased.


I’m going to continue using it, and I think it is a worthy investment if you’ve found that affirmations are not working as well as you hoped. The daily interaction is a definite plus, and it is entirely possible that the magnet is, too. In addition, because you are putting your affirmations in a pretty and special place, it tells your subconscious that these affirmations are special. That may have an effect, as well.

Want one of your own?

You can order your own Thought Catapulter in pink or turquoise from this website:

Rating: 3 Stars

I think this is a cool idea and worth checking out, I just can’t verify its claims given my limited use.

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NOTE: I received this product for at a drastic discount in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read my past reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision about the product, even if you disagree with my opinion.


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