Article Marketing for Artists & Photographers

by | Feb 9, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

aricle marketing for artists and photographers
The goal of article marketing is to attract people who will buy your stuff or hire you to visit your website. So the first step in the process is to know who these people are and how they use the Internet to find stuff and services like yours.

Article marketing is an attractive, low-cost traffic-generating technique that is sometimes challenging to implement for those whose business doesn’t obviously focus on knowledge. So, painters, sculptors, photographers and other artists often don’t know how to use this technique for their benefit.

I’ll admit that article marketing isn’t appropriate for all artists, but here are some ways it might be appropriate for you.

Do you teach your craft?
Students may search the Internet for art lessons. Write about techniques, tools and supplies you teach about in your articles and you can attract potential students. If you want only to attract local students, be sure to include your location in your article titles and the resource box.

Are people who buy your work interested in how you create it?
Here’s a great idea for attracting this type of clientele. Write a blog post that focuses on piece of your work. Include photographs and discuss the process you went through to create it. Then, take one part of that blog post … maybe one technique you used … and write an article about that technique. In the resource box, be sure to send people to that particular blog post to learn more. If your blog post discussed more than one technique, you can write more than one article that points to that blog post.

Can clients commission your work?
This can be a bit trickier to implement, but find out what people who commission your art or photography search for on the web when looking for someone to hire. What information are they seeking? Write about that and point them to your “I Do Commissioned Work” page on your website in the resource box.

Do you blog about your art, process or something else related to what you do?
Take a look at your blog posts. I bet you’ll find the kernels of articles in there. Maybe you mentioned a specific technique you used. Maybe you did a series on a specific location. Find those kernels and expand them into articles. Then, in the resource box, point them to the blog posts that inspired the article.

Would you like some help with your article marketing? An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! Put Carma Spence’s 20+ years writing experience to work for you! She’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit


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