Article Marketing and Press Releases

by | Feb 21, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

article marketing and press releases
Most people don’t think of it this way, but posting press releases on press release distribution sites is a form of article marketing. The big difference between an article posted on an article directory and a press release posted on a press release distribution site is that an article is informative and a press release is newsworthy.

What they have in common is this:

  • Posting articles to directories and press releases to distribution sites both help with your search optimization goals.
  • Both help establish your expertise.
  • Both provide valuable and interesting information that your ideal audience is looking for.

So how do you use online press releases to increase your visibility?

First, you must understand what a press release is. Press release distribution sites will not publish articles that don’t follow basic rules for press releases. They will reject them if they are not newsworthy or are too promotional.

Your press release must have a news angle to it. Here are some suggestions:

  • Controversy: Do you have a way of approaching something that is off the beaten track or counter to popular belief? Your press release can showcase this controversial angle.

    Example: Anyone Can Excel in Public Speaking!
    Author of new book shows how anyone … no mater how shy or afraid of the stage … can develop the skills and confidence to speak in public.1

  • Announcement: Did something change in your business? Maybe you hired a new employee or established a long-term contract with a vendor. Maybe you’ve just published a book or released a new product. Maybe you are running a contest or scheduled a live or virtual event. As long as you make the press release about the announcement and not what you’re announcing, you can get around the “don’t be promotional” rule.

    Example: Can Anyone Be a Public Speaking Super Hero?
    New book shares traits that successful speakers have and how you can develop them, too.1


  • Surprising facts: This is close to controversial, but not as counter-culture. Maybe you know little-known facts … things that people don’t normally think of or are aware of. This can be the angle of your press release, too.

    Example: Passion for Your Topic Is the Key to Public Speaking Success
    After interviewing more than 80 public speakers, this author found that the key to public speaking success is not necessarily how well you speak, but how passionately.1


  • Current News Tie-In: Can you tie your business or expertise to a current event or news story? Maybe your business is related to an annual observation, current trend in culture, or even a hot TV show or movie. If you can tie your business or expertise to something currently being talked about, you will more easily get talked about, too.

    Example: People Want and Need Heros
    The recent increase in super-hero TV shows, from “No Ordinary Family” to “The Cape,” as well as the increasing growth of comic conventions, illustrates our need for the heroic in our lives.1


  • Partner with Charity: If you sponsor a charitable event, donate your services to a worthy cause, or in any other way partner with a charity, this can make a good press release.

    Example: Attract Clients Using Amazon and Help Kids Go to College
    The Vern Spence Educational Fund will benefit from every purchase of DragonWyze Solutions’ new course on How to Leverage to Attract New Clients.2

There are numerous ways you can make information about you and your business newsworthy. These are just a few. For more ideas, check out these resources:

  • Coming Up With a Newsworthy Angle: Nearly Everyone Uses It, and So What?
    By Marcia Yudkin
  • How To Create A News Angle
    By Michael Levine
  • What Makes a Press Release Newsworthy? It’s all in the news angle.
    By Wes Upchurch

1 Example of a potential press release for

2 Example for a potential press release for

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