Are You Scared?

by | Oct 1, 2008 | Marketing & Selling

October is one of my favorite months, mostly because I love Halloween. I love decorating with the macabre. I love creating new costumes each year. And I love the silly promotions you can squeeze out of this holiday!

And this October seems to be on steroids. There are real fears out there in the world with terrorism and the financial market taking a nose dive. People all across the world are afraid.

And you know what? I bet you have a product or service that could help alleviate that fear. Are you marketing it?

Are you using your target market’s fears in your marketing copy? Are you showing them that you have a solution that can get rid of what they are afraid of? If not, you should be. And October is the perfect time to do this.


Because you can do it in light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek manner that helps break the ice. Take a look at these ideas and see if you can modify them for your business.

bugged out eyes
Your Eyes Will Bug Out
with Surprise
When You See the Savings!
Beam Up Some Scary Savings!
scary hand
black cat
Cat Got Your Tongue?
Don’t Let That Cat
Get the Best of You!
Complete Our Survey Today!
Scared to Come Out of the Coffin?
I’d Be an Ogre
If I Didn’t Tell You …
Is that the Door to Opportunity?
shadow door
Sneak Up on Some Halloween Savings!
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The Treat or the Trick?
Business a Little Dead Lately?


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