What Is An Opt-In Bonus?

by | Jul 5, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

what is an opt-in bonus
The simple answer is it is a gift you give someone in exchange for them opting into your list. And, if you think of it in those simple terms, you’ll do O.K.

But I believe an opt-in bonus is so much more.

It is a promise to provide value in exchange for value. Your website visitor gives you access to their email inbox. You give him or her some valuable information that will help them get closer to reaching their goals (as they relate to what you have to offer, of course).

It is facilitator of future transactions. The opt-in bonus instills in the person who consumes it a desire to work with or purchase from you again. It encourages him or her to take the next step and pay you for a product or service you offer, thus entering further into your marketing funnel.

It is an introduction to who you are and what you have to offer. The opt-in bonus is a “free taste,” so to speak, of all the good things to come when the person decides to work with you or buy one of your products.

So, you can see that although a “it will do” opt-in bonus can get you by and grow a mediocre list, a strategically thought out opt-in bonus will attract ideal clients who enter your marketing funnel with wallets open more quickly, more often and … they’ll bring their friends.

“Would You Like To Know the Secrets to Enticing Your Ideal Prospects to Give You Their Name and Email Address?”

Take this free e-course and receive a recording of Cindi Dawson, the Teleseminar Coach, grilling Carma Spence, author of Home Sweet Home Page, about creating enticing opt-in bonuses: Opt-In Bonus Secrets.


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