What Do You Want Me To Do?

by | Feb 17, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

Is it clear what a visitor to your website should do? If not, he or she will probably leave with out doing it.

This is especially important if your goal is to grow your opt-in list or make a sale. Your home page, landing pages and squeeze pages absolutely need to have a clear call to action.

Here are a couple of rules of thumb that will help you make sure that all your landing pages support the goals you have for them.

Decide on your one call to action and stick to it.

Do you want your visitors to buy something? Then that should be the only action available to them. Do you want them to opt-in to your list? Then your opt-in box needs to be prominent and, again, the only action available besides leaving.

Keep your design clear and focused on your goal.

All design elements should support your landing page’s goal. All your copy, all your images need to move your visitor closer to make the decision to take the action you want … or leave.

That said, before you can accomplish any of this, you need to be clear on your goals for your website. And, it is possible that you’ll want to achieve more than one goal with your web pages. Even so, make sure that each page has a clear and over-riding goal, and make it focus on that.

home sweet home page
Want to know what all five deadly mistakes are? Grab a copy of my new book, Home Sweet Home Page: The 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page and How To Fix Them! at BookMarketingClub.com/homepagebook. Stop by the website between March 15 and 19, 2010, to join the launch and housewarming party, and download a plethora of free gifts!


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