Some Thoughts About Goals

by | Feb 18, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

I’m on Jack Canfield’s ezine list and yesterday’s message started out with this Jack quote:

Decide what you want, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.

And this got me to thinking … what are my goals? I mean really … beyond the basic put food on the table, keep a roof over my head, have some free time to enjoy life type of things?

Sure, there’s always going to be sell more of my products and services, work on my offerings, etc. But all these goals are actually sub-goals for bigger goals.

I know that one of my life goals has always been to to matter. And not in just some ordinary touchy feel-y way. I want to matter in an area that matters to me.

Alas, there are a lot of areas that matter to me that I want to matter in:

  • I’m passionate about the environment and animal rights.
  • I’m passionate about science fiction and related genres in all their manifestations (literature, film, television, travel, etc.)
  • I’m passionate about helping people reach their full potential.
  • I’m passionate about food and what makes flavors work together.

I could talk for hours, with enthusiasm, about any of these topics. So what’s a multi-talented, multi-interested gal gonna do?

My first thought is to pick one.

But I’ve tried that many times and failed miserably. I get bored way too easily and just can’t have one goal to work on at a time. I loose interest and start following any bright shiny object that intersects my path.

And, now that I think about it, I realize that what’s been going on is that I’ve been trying to fit into the box that society has put before me. But that’s a round hole and I’m a square peg … this just ain’t gonna work.

So, are you in this ordeal too? I’d love to hear from you … so I don’t feel so alone. 🙂

Oh! And part of the reason I’m having this realization right now is because of a project I’m working on with a client and friend of mine. Cindy Ashton has developed this really fun personality quiz that helped me realize why I’m so torn.

Turns out I have more than one dominant “superstar” personality: Renowned Naturalist, Respected Philosopher, Award Winning Musician and Critically Acclaimed Artist. Each one wants to reign supreme and none of them fit into that round hole. Erg.

But there is hope. When you take the quiz, you can sign up to get a free report that not only delves into each of these personalities and the strengths they represent, but also how to use and leverage those strengths to uncover your true mission and passion in life. I’m still working on it, and, if you’d like to join me, just go here to take your “Superstar Personality” quiz.

Yes, that is my affiliate link. So, if you end up taking advantage of Cindy’s special offer, I’ll earn a commission. If you are uncomfortable with that idea, feel free to take the quiz … there is no purchase required to gain benefit from it … at

Oh, and if you’re wondering what my role in the project was … I did all the website setup and design work. Check it out and let me know what you think. I’m quite proud of it.

NOTE: The quiz mentioned in this post is no longer available, which is why the links have been disabled.


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