Using Audio to Drive Traffic to Your Website

by | Jun 18, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

audio to drive traffic
How can audio drive traffic to your website? There are three primary ways:

1. Joint Venture Audio Programs
When you are the guest on someone else’s teleseminar, podcast or Internet radio show, you will gain access to the people on their list or within the sphere of their influence. Provide great content and you will entice many of them to subscribe to your list.

2. Audio Article Marketing
Posting audio versions of your articles to article directories that accept them gives you access to audience that a regular article might not reach. Provide good content and end with a compelling offer to visit your website, and you’ll increase traffic there.

3. Podcasts and Internet Radio Shows
There is a reason that those joint venture partners I mentioned under number one host a podcast or Internet radio show … it helps them build an audience. Create a compelling show and you will attract people who will also visit your website.

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