Using Audio to Build Your List

by | Jun 16, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

audio list building
There are several ways you can use audio to grow your list. In fact, growing your list is a multi-step process and audio can help you at each step of the way. Here are just a few suggestions:

Let Them Know You Exist
Before someone can sign up for your subscriber list, they need to know that you exist. So how can audio help you spread the word?

  • Teleseminars – you can hold these yourself or, better yet, you can be the guest on someone else’s. Basically you hold a virtual class, provide such good information that people want more and sign up for your list.
  • Podcasts and Internet Radio – again, you can produce these yourself or be the guest on someone else’s. Both can attract traffic and if you content is good, people will sign up for your list.
  • Audio Articles — some article directories, such as accept audio files for their database. You can create audio versions of your written articles or blog posts and submit them to these directories for greater exposure.

Entice Them to Continue the Conversation
Once you’ve got them to your opt-in page, you need to give them a compelling reason to opt in. This opt-in bonus can be an audio file download or even an audio postcard series.

Another way you can entice them to opt-in is to have an audio welcome message that lets them know what you will give them in return for their name and email address.

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