Two Types of Creative Professional

by | May 2, 2011 | Creativity, Marketing & Selling, Self Discovey

creative pros
There are two basic types of creative professional:

  • Those whose work is creative by nature, such as artists, photographers, chefs and entertainers; and
  • Those who are creative about the way they do business.

Online marketing can help both types of creative professional, but not all online marketing techniques are necessarily appropriate for both types.

For example, having an opt-in list can work for all types of businesses, but the opt-in bonus you would offer subscribers in exchange for their email address would be different. Artists and entertainers are less likely to offer a special report than other types of businesses. Also, with the creative professions … sometimes you don’t even need a specific opt-in bonus at all, just a promise of good things in the email newsletter.

Those who want to be on the list of a photographer are going to want different things than those who want to be on the list of an energy healer. You have to take your creative nature and apply it to the business side of your business. You need to see your business through the eyes of your ideal prospects and create things that will attract them.

Blog content and strategy will be different for different types of business. A chef’s blog would have different types of content than a photographers. Not just because of content, but because of media type and tone.

It is my hope to help you with some of the specifics this month, so do come back!

Thinking of self-publishing your book?

Want to make sure it gets on Amazon and the Kindle?
Then check out “How to Leverage to Attract New Clients.” In this audio course I show you how to create a lead-generating book and publish it using either or for physical books and Amazon Digital for the Kindle. You receive step-by-step guides that walk you through the process with ease!


Not sure if self-publishing is right for you?

Check out this free replay of a webinar I did with Daniel Hall: 19 Innovative Ways to Build Your Business With a Self Published Book.


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