Twitter Grows by Moon Leaps and Bounds

by | Feb 2, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

According to Revenue magazine’s Affiliate Insights ezine, “Twitter more than doubled its US unique visitors in March.”

That’s pretty amazing. But what can Twitter do for your business? I mean, just because all the other lemmings are jumping off the cliff, doesn’t mean you have to, right?

Well, if you listened to the calls from Denise Wakeman on Monday and MaryPat Kavanagh today, you’d know the answer to that question.

Think of this, “Twitter’s growth has accelerated from 33% in January to 55% in February and now 131% in March. At a growth rate of 131% a month, literally, every single person alive on the planet will have a Twitter account by the end of this year.” claims Affiliate Insights. Of course, I know that won’t literally happen — I’m married to one person who will never get a Twitter account! 😉

Anyway, when used correctly, to help you provide valuable content and connect with your mentors, ideal clients and target peers (as MaryPat mentioned on today’s call), Twitter can be a very powerful tool to help you grow your business.


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