Tips for Taking Action from IPS09

by | May 27, 2009 | Marketing & Selling, Taking Action

At the end of Adam Urbanski’s Info Profit Success event, Adam shared a really good game plan for taking action on what you learn at a live event. Here they are in a nutshell:

Clarify your big vision and goals.
Basically, take stock of your “aha” moments and how they affect where you want your business to go. Become very clear on what your vision for your business is and the goals that will help you reach it.

Go through your notes and list the main ideas you want to take action on.
This will pull them all together into one “to do” list, most likely fitting on one sheet, and makes them easier to find.

Prioritize your list.
Determine which items on your list are the most important and will bring you the most momentum. These will be the items you act on first.

Gather your tools and skills.
What tools will you need to perform those actions? Do you have the skill set necessary? Can you hire someone with the skill set? Or will you need to learn something new?

Draw your map.
Create your plan of action. This will be your map as you set off on your journey to a more successful business, thanks to what you’ve learned.

Act quickly.
Take action on the first immediate steps right away. The faster you act, the more momentum you’ll have.

Ask for help.
As I’ve mentioned before, you can’t do this on your own. Build a team. Enlist advisors, mentors, coaches and teachers. Develop the support system you need to truly reach those heights you so richly deserve.

And the best piece of advice of all? Keep repeating this process until you reach your goal or determine the goal no longer serves you.


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