The CAP Podcast, Episode 36: Get Into the Media

by | Sep 17, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio, Marketing & Selling

Pete Walter on The C.A.P. Podcast


If you are willing to put in the effort, there are a very few ways that are guaranteed to grow your business quickly. Getting mentioned in the right media is one of them. In today’s episode of The C.A.P. Podcast, my guest is Pete Walter of, a site set up to help entrepreneurs and small business owners harness the power of getting featured in the media. He’s been a TV Producer and has made programs for the BBC and MTV. Pete subsequently moved into corporate film making and has written and directed films for M&S and BP among others.

During the podcast he shares some tips on how to get on the radar of the right journalists and how to tailor your pitches so they are paid attention to. He suggest subscribing to Help A Reporter Out (HARO), which will email you three times a day requests by journalists looking for experts in a variety of topics. (Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for the free newsletter.) If you’re in Europe, following the Twitter hashtag #journorequest is a good idea.

To give your public relations efforts a real oomph, you want to build a relationship with journalists. A great way to do that is to follow them on Twitter and share, retweet and like their content. He also suggested introducing yourself to carefully targeted media members in a non-pitching manner to let them know you are a potential resource.

The acronym, TRUTH, he mentions that will help you tailor your content to get better attention from reporters expands out as follows:

  • Topical – first into something that is already going on
  • Relevant – appropriate to the journalist and his/her outlet
  • Unusual – unique, opposite of what others are saying
  • Trouble – things going wrong, mischief
  • Human interest – single person’s story

If you would like to take advantage of the free offer he mentions at the end of the episode, click on

For more information about Pete, visit

Would you like more information about getting into the media? Check out these further resources here on

Now it’s your turn
What did you think of this episode of The C.A.P. Podcast? Was it useful? Did it spark some ideas? Did it leave you with questions. Please share your thoughts, comments, questions and sage advice in a comment below.

I would LOVE to answer your questions on future episodes of The C.A.P. Podcast! Do you have a question about overcoming money blocks, online marketing, public speaking or mindset/universal laws? Do you struggle with integrating creativity, authenticity or even profitability into your business? Send your questions to Paul Robinson at with the subject line: “CAP Podcast question.”

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