The CAP Podcast, Episode 29: Claim Your Feminine Power

by | Apr 2, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio, Entrepreneurship

Lynn Schulte on The C.A.P. Podcast


Although women are built and wired to be receivers, experiences and events that happen as we grow and mature can disconnect us from this feminine source of power. My guest in today’s podcast, Lynn Schulte, has a unique take on how to reconnect to this innate quality of women: Tune into your pelvic bowl.

During this episode, we discuss what that all means, how we disconnect and how we can reconnect to our feminine knowledge and power.

Lynn uses intuition, energetic body-work and her extensive knowledge of aligning the male and female energies to empower women entrepreneurs to magnetize and receive more clients, more money, more success and more love in their life. She teaches women how to claim their value, charge their worth, cultivate their creative expressions and live more authentically by reconnecting into the power in their pelvis.

Lynn has been working with women for the past 25 years and has seen how the disconnect and energetic blocks many women have in their bodies, especially in the pelvis, truly stops them from being their fully empowered, radiant selves. When women reconnect to this important area of our body and use the power and creative energy that is their birthright, their lives are forever changed.

To learn more about Lynn, visit

Video Excerpts

Part One
Part Two

Part Three

Now it’s your turn
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