The CAP Podcast, Episode 15: What’s Your Actor Type?

by | Sep 4, 2014 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio, Marketing & Selling, Video


In this episode of The C.A.P. Podcast, I chat with Robyn Hatcher, actress, voiceover artist, writer, expert communications guest for Huffpost Live, about “Actor Types” and how they can help you be more powerful in your business and be a more effective speaker.

Robyn has created a groundbreaking approach to breaking barriers for people who struggle with speaking in small and large groups. She has formulated a no-fail equation for mastering public speaking in her book, Standing Ovation Presentations (Motivational Press). In this episode, you’ll get taste of what her system and book has to offer.

Robyn believes that communication is an art form in itself and that every person has an ActorType or some combination of the nine ActorTypes: Hero, Villain, Innocent, Sex Symbol, Curmudgeon, Whiz Kid, Super Hero, Buddy and Comic.

In fact, I challenged her to “guess” my ActorType and she was very close. After taking the quiz on her website,, I found that I was a Hero (88%), followed by Comic (55%) and Super Hero/Whiz Kid (both 44%). Take the quiz for yourself simply by clicking on the button at the top of the right-hand sidebar, above the book cover image.

Video Excerpts
Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four


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