Spiritual Goals with Guest Donald Lee

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Video, Weekday Wisdom

Weekday Wisdom, Season 4, Episode 1

January is a great month to figure out your goals for the year. Have you set any goals for your spiritual growth? This first episode of the new season — and New Year — features a chat with author Donald Lee about spiritual goals — what they are and how to set and plan for them.

An audio-only version is available below.

Run Time: 25 minutes 50 seconds

About the Guest

Donald Lee
Donald Lee is an author, speaker, musician, teacher, band director, and economist. He holds degrees in economics and education, has performed professionally as a musician, was a finalist in the 1995 World Championship of Public Speaking, was a member of the 2013 Canadian Triathlon Team, and has taught band in several Alberta communities as well as in international schools in Kuwait and Pakistan.

Donald recently retired from teaching to work full-time on his new career as a writer and speaker. His first book has recently been published: The Band Director’s Lessons About Life: Volume 1 – Parables on Life’s Performance Cycle. It is a book of modern-day parables, with stories inspired by his teaching experience.

Summary of the Spiritual Goals Episode

There are eight facets of life for which we might set goals. One of them — the spiritual facet — often gets left out of the goal-setting process. In this episode, Donald and I talk about spiritual goals. During the conversation, we get clear on what a spiritual goal is and the various ways that you can use to achieve them. Unlike other types of goals, spiritual goals are a lot less concrete and a bit more challenging to make S.M.A.R.T. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t worthy of pursuing.


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Audio Version


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