Should You Get Personal In Your Business Blog?

by | May 26, 2010 | Authenticity, Marketing & Selling

This question keeps coming up: “How personal … if at all … should I be in my business blog?” Well, that all depends on how you define “personal,” now doesn’t it?

dirty laundry
If personal means sharing your dirty laundry on your business blog, then no, you should not get personal in your business blog.

If personal means sharing private information about your friends and family that they don’t want shared, then no, you should not get personal in your business blog.

If personal means sharing opinions that have nothing to do with your business and can hurt your professional reputation, then no you should not get personal in your business blog.

But, if personal means sharing relevant personal details that illustrate business points you are trying to communicate, then yes you should get personal in your business blog.

albert einstein
If personal means sharing your personality in your writing so that your readers feel like they know you, then yes you should get personal in your business blog.

If personal means sharing your authentic self in a professional way that helps your readers in the way you were meant to serve them, then yes you should get personal in your business blog.

balancing act
Being personal in your business blog is a balancing act between professionalism and privacy. Only you can truly determine what is too personal and what is just enough. But, if you are finding it challenging to find and keep that balance, it is probably prudent to err on the side of the less personal.

So, should you share that your oldest daughter just won an award for gymnastics? Sure, if it’s relevant to your audience. Should you share that your dog just passed away. Sure, if you’ve already set up a precedent of talking about your dog in your posts. These are details that can enhance what you have to say, but don’t over do it. Keep the balance between being human and being business person.

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