Blogging Tips for Authors

by | May 21, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

The following are some tips for using blogging to promote your books, as well as your writing and expertise in general.

Blogging Tips for Authors

Blog about your topic of expertise.

Your blog can be expansions of, or tangential meanderings from, the main topic of your book. This can get readers interested in the topic and give them a taste of your writing style. This is a great strategy for nonfiction authors but can be modified to work for fiction authors, as well.

Blog about events that you’ll be attending are attending or just came back from attending.

Do you attend events where fans can meet you? This can include book signings, seminars, workshops, conventions, trade shows and more. Blog about them! Mention that you’ll be attending such-and-such event and let your readers know how they can attend. If the event is multi-day, post a daily summary of the experience. And, once you’ve returned, you can blog about lessons learned or even fun things that happened. Met some of your fans? Include pictures of you with them and write a little blurb about your meeting.

Include your blog audience in the formation of your next book.

Are you wondering what subtopics should be covered in your next book? Ask your readers! Are you having trouble deciding what your next character should be named? Ask your readers! Again, this strategy not only can help you get past writer’s blocks, but it also engages your fans, making them feel a part of something bigger.

Blog about the writing process.

You can talk about how you came up with your idea, the research you’ve conducted, even share some excerpts from your upcoming book. This can get your fan-based engaged and works well for both fiction and nonfiction books.


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