Selling Your Info Product – Setting Up the Back End

by | Jan 18, 2010 | Creating Products, Marketing & Selling

You’ve created your information product, so now you need to sell it. So, how does that happen?

Digital Download Products
The simplest method is to create a download page that the customer is sent to once he or she has paid. However, without download protection in place, some people will be able to find that page and download your product without paying you.

So you’re going to need some sort of download protection software.

The simplest is what is called an “IPN” generator. There are simple software scripts available online that will help you do this, but

  • They often require some technical knowledge, and
  • They are not fool proof.

In fact, your best bet is to think long term and invest in a digital shopping cart system.

Some good options are shopping cart software such as 1ShoppingCart and InfusionSoft. These are good solution for long term thinking because they not only provide you with a way to sell your products, but also keep in touch with your prospects and clients, as well as offer an affiliate program.

The caveat being they are a bit pricey for a start-up business with low cash flow.

Physical Products
It used to be the only way you could sell physical information products was to find a printer, buy a large quantity of your product and store it in your garage or a closet.

But print-on-demand vendors have changed all that. Now you can sign on with a POD vendor and they won’t charge you for a product until a customer buys in and they have to produce and ship it for you. Now you no longer need to keep an inventory nor make an investment in the production of your product up front.

Each POD vendor works differently, so you should do your research before signing on with one. Here are a few I’m familiar with and would recommend:

  • Vervante – true print on demand services
  • Speaker Fulfillment Services – does require a small production investment up front but has great customer service
  • Kunaki – requires a PC to set up the product (you can manage your inventory on a Mac, but not set up products)
  • Cafe Press – you can have one book, one CD and one DVD for free per shop, and you can have unlimited free shops, but you can’t bundle a multimedia product


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