Opt-In Gifts – Audio & Video Downloads

by | Jan 17, 2010 | Building Relationships, Marketing & Selling

Last week I talked about written opt-in bonuses. This week I’m going to talk about audio and video opt-in incentives.

An opt-in gift needs to be a sample of what you have to offer, so not all of these options will work for your business. I’m listing these suggestions to help jump-start your creative process.

The Interview
Most commonly this is an audio bonus, but on occasion I have seen this type of incentive provided in video format. Basically, there are two ways this one can go:

  • You interview an expert on a topic related to what you have to offer, or
  • You are interviewed about your topic of expertise.

What’s nice about this type of incentive is that it can showcase your personality as well as your product. And, like it or not, your personality is a part of your brand when you own a small or solo-entrepreneur business

The Lecture
In this type of bonus you are the expert and you are sharing information on a very specific and narrow topic. Again, this can be provided in either audio or video format, and there are two ways this can be presented:

  • You create the audio or video specifically for the opt-in bonus, or
  • You use an excerpt from a talk, lecture or seminar that was recorded.

Like the interview, your personality will shine through in this … especially in the excerpt.

The Series of Tips
This is a series of short audio or video postcards that are delivered via email in a sequence, just like an e-course. This type of opt-in incentive can keep you top of mind over the course of the sequence. However, it can also be relegated to a folder on the receivers hard-drive to be referred to later … or never.

The Meditation or Guided Exercise
This is an audio opt-in set to soothing music. Your voice guides the listener through a meditation or exercise focused on the type of transformation you offer. This can work well for self-improvement based businesses.

Recording Your Audio or Video Opt-In
Don’t let technology get in the way of creating your audio or video free taste. This doesn’t need to be something with a high production value. You can use free conference calling services to record audio or a flip or web cam to record video. What’s important here is the content … not the production value.


home sweet home page
[/one_fifth][four_fifth_last]Not having an compelling opt-in incentive is is one of the 5 Deadly Mistakes of home page design. To learn the other four, visit BookMarketingClub.com/homepagebook and pick up a copy of Carma’s book Home Sweet Home Page: The 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with their Website’s Home Page and How To Fix Them![/four_fifth_last]


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