RSS and the Growing List

by | May 11, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

If you’ve heard of blogging, then you’ve probably heard the term RSS or RSS feed, as well. The term is an acronym for “really simple syndication” and basically means that a “feed” — very similar to the news feeds that newspapers have used for years — is created out of blog content. (There are other RSS feeds, too, but this is the kind I’m talking about in this post.)

With a blog, every time you publish a post, it is added to your blog’s RSS feed. People can choose to subscribe to your feed so that your posts are automatically fed to their chosen RSS reader or email address. Some people share RSS feeds they like with other by publishing them on their website, as well.

So what does this have to do with list building? Knowing how many RSS subscribers you have can be quite powerful. Advertisers and potential joint venture partners just might like to be able to have their message pushed out to a large, preferably active, list of RSS subscribers.

It really depends on how you want to manage your list if RSS subscriptions will be valuable to you. But, it certainly can’t hurt.

Also, some autoresponder services allow you to create newsletters from your RSS feed. Aweber started it all, but I understand that other have gotten on board, as well.

Next week I’ll talk about how often you should be posting to your blog.


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