Pull It All Together

by | Dec 29, 2008 | Planning Your Business

So, now you’ve taken a look at what you want to accomplish in 2009 and you have an idea of how you want to accomplish it. You’ve done an internal check to make sure you have the mindset to support yourself and you’ve evaluated your website to make sure it supports your goals as well. So how do you you pull all this information into a cohesive plan to make 2009 a success? Just follow these simple steps.

1. Create your mission statement.

Answer these three questions as succinctly as you can:

  • What solution or solutions do you provide?
  • Who do you provide them for?
  • What problem does this solution solve?

Now complete this sentence:

I provide [your solution] to [your clients] who need to [problem you solve].

If you solve multiple problems, you may need to create multiple mission statements. Just focus on one at a time.

2. Create your game plan.

Take the Annual Planning Sheet you completed from the Dec. 1 post, and create your game plan. How will you accomplish those goals? What tasks must be performed? By what date do you need to perform them? Delegate what you can and put the rest on your calendar.

3. Celebrate your achievement!

The New Year begins in just a few days. If you’ve been following these posts and doing your “homework” you’ve got a wonderful plan to act on in 2009. Celebrate this achievement by taking some time off to celebrate the season with those you care about. Then, in January, hit the ground running!


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